Wind and Weather Conditions
The air has 16°C in winter and up to 32°C in summer, sometimes hot with up to 35°C. The water has 16-26°C. Riding is possible all year long. Recommended wind for kitesurfing is wind coming from SW . There is Thermal and Frontal wind at Paramali, Cyprus. Best season: April to November. Ideal and general wind direction: Southwest. Southwest and West during summer time. East and Northwest during winter (sometimes South winds, 12 foot waves). Gusty all year round, stable during summer time (SW). Wind usually blows from E, SW, WSW, W, WNW and NW on the spot. The best moments to come to Paramali, Cyprus are June, July, August and September .
Beach and Tide Conditions
Kitesurfing conditions do not depend on Tide on this spot. Paramali, Cyprus is a Chop spot. The launching/landing area is reported to be of Medium size. Long deserted stretch of sandy beach very popular with kiteboarders. Choppy water.
Need to know
Careful about the other beach users, especially in May, June, July, August and September . When you are on water, be careful of Stones . Beach risk reported: None . Please respect local rules when you are on the spot. Talk to a local before you go on water. There are riding zones on the spot, be sure you respect them.