Wind and Weather Conditions
Air always warm, from 25-30°C. Warm water all year, around 27°C. Maybe in winter with colder winds a shorty is recommended. Recommended wind for kitesurfing is wind coming from N, NW and NNW . There is Trade wind at Cayo Coco / Playa Los Flamencos, Cuba. Wind usually blows from NE and ENE on the spot. The best moments to come to Cayo Coco / Playa Los Flamencos, Cuba are January, February, March, April and December .
Beach and Tide Conditions
Kitesurfing conditions do not depend on Tide on this spot. Cayo Coco / Playa Los Flamencos, Cuba is a Shallow and Flat spot. The launching/landing area is reported to be of Small size. Nice flat water with a big shallow area.
Need to know
There is no beach users reported here. When you are on water, be careful of None . Beach risk reported: Trees . The is no particular rules reported , but as a best practice, talk to a local before you go on water.