Wind and Weather Conditions
Average temps: 82°F in summer, 70°F in winter. Water temps: reaching the low 80's °F in the summer and 70's °F in winter. Recommended wind for kitesurfing is wind coming from W and WNW . There is Thermal and Frontal wind at New Providence / Jaws Beach, Bahamas. Wind usually blows from NNE and SSE on the spot. The best moments to come to New Providence / Jaws Beach, Bahamas are January, February, November and December .
Beach and Tide Conditions
Recommended tide for kitesurfing is High Tide,Coming Tide . New Providence / Jaws Beach, Bahamas is a Shallow, Chop and Small waves spot. The launching/landing area is reported to be of Small size.
Need to know
There is no beach users reported here. When you are on water, be careful of Swimmers, Currents, Reefs and Rocks . Beach risks reported: Rocks,Trees,Bystanders . The is no particular rules reported , but as a best practice, talk to a local before you go on water.