Wind and Weather Conditions
Great weather all year round. Shorty only needed when cold front pass by during winter. Otherwise just sun protection. Recommended wind for kitesurfing is wind coming from N, SE and NW . There is Thermal and Frontal wind at North Cat Cay, Bahamas. Flat to choppy waters and reef waves. You start from the beach and go out to the little island Motu Martin. It's narrow here and the best is to go upwind (east) into the big bay where there are more waves. Flat water to the west. Wind usually blows from N, SE and NW on the spot. The best moments to come to North Cat Cay, Bahamas are January, February, March, April, October, November and December .
Beach and Tide Conditions
North Cat Cay, Bahamas is a Shallow, Flat and Chop spot. The launching/landing area is reported to be of Small size. Several small, sandy beaches on the west side of the island. No real beach on the east side, launch from the water. Find a launch for every wind direction, but be aware of home owners and sun bathers. Flat to choppy water. The east side has a big shallow area with very nice flat water. Beautiful clear water. The west side can have some reefs in front of the beach.